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Read the Chicago Tribune's account of the storm and evacuation
See photo gallery from Chicago Reader
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- Clever sponsor tie-in: Flor carpet tiles as free giveaways. Portable sit-upons for those without a basecamp. They were also put to use for mud abatement on Saturday and Sunday.
- Man buns (not the butt)
- Under cheek (yes, the butt)
- Silver hair often tinted with lavender, aqua or sea green streaks (mostly young women but a few dudes too)
- More old people than usual (I’m definitely in that camp). More parents-with-teenage-kids than usual.
- Wine! Yes, they finally heard those of us advocating for the grape!
- As previously predicted, flower crowns and babies in giant headphones
- It was much too hot for the usual parade of funky fashion, but thankfully a few beautiful souls brought their style to the fest regardless. Check out this gallery from Chicago Magazine
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Overall: Expected Greatness and they Did Not Disappoint
- Bully
- Bitchin Bajas
- The Julie Ruin – Note: everyone except me knew in advance they would be awesome. And they were. All I can say in my defense is that some bands – including a lot from the Riot Grrrrl movement – sound a lot better live than recorded.
- Jamie xx
- Mr. Twin Sister
- Natalie Prass
- Perfume Genius
- How to Dress Well
For additional festival reading check out these interesting write-ups from Chicagoist, Gapers Block, Time Out Chicago, A.V. Club, and the New York Times.
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