Now I am eager to make Swordfish with Smoked Paprika again – and add it to the regular rotation – because it’s quick, easy and downright delicious!
The Playlist: This lengthy track is one of Joni Mitchell’s more experimental jazz forays, from the Don Juan’s Reckless Daughter album (1977). It received mixed reactions but I kinda like it, especially when sax man Wayne Shorter cuts loose.

They have a down to earth style of describing the recipes, ingredients, and techniques and making them user-friendly.
There’s a deep archive of tasty recipes in all categories, so you definitely should make this website one of your regular visits.
Kitchen Tips: I discovered a helpful ingredient swap that made this dish even better, in my opinion. The recipe calls for pine nuts which: a) I did not have on hand, b) are wickedly expensive, and c) were known to cause a bad physical reaction for some diners a few years back.
A smart person on the Google machine suggested substituting chopped cashews for pine nuts and I thought A-HA! It provides a creamy/crunchy texture and mild flavor like pine nuts. When toasted and added to the swordfish dish, I couldn’t imagine anything better. All hail the Power of the Internet!
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Find the Recipe at Simply Recipes. No seriously, go ahead and click on the link, then bookmark it. You are going to want, nay NEED, this recipe sometime soon.