It’s been a busy few weeks – work deadlines, business travel, organizing the neighborhood garage sale, wacky weather including Sunday’s freak storm with hail, high winds, power outages and oh yes, gigantic branches liberating themselves from 100 year old trees and plunging to the yard below (one hefty limb pierced the garage roof). Plus Dear Partner’s birthday wasn’t going to celebrate itself, now was it?!
So be on the lookout for upcoming Fish for Dinner features, a new Cookbook Road Test, and of course we need to cut loose with our Afternoon Dance Breaks – I do, anyway!
In the meantime here are a couple little treats to tide you over -- after the jump.
- You recently shared my experiences from the Pitchfork Music Festival. Well, P’fork’s big brother Lollapalooza came to town last weekend for a rockin’ good time. Read about it here, here and here.
- I’m in love with this beautiful sculpture by artist Janet Echelman on display in Boston through October 2015 which is titled "As If It Were Already Here". Hope you like it too. I learned about it via the fabulous Colossal website, which needs to be part of your life. Read about the artwork here and enjoy the video.